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****Update March 10th 2022*****
It has been reported that some User Accounts are having issues with their logins. While we are still troubleshooting the root cause, it has been found that if you enter your Password in all capital letters, your login will be successful. Once you have successfully logged in, ensure that you take your caps lock off, you will be prompted to answer the security question. You can then reset your password to a Case Sensitive password. If you still experience login issues, please utilize the below email address.
Internet Verification Source Information FAQ

- This website provides primary source verification of medical staff membership across the OhioHealth facilities for both initial credentialing and recredentialing.
- This internet site is controlled by OhioHealth hospital entities.
- Data on this site is live. Requests for verification are queried directly against the credentialing database.
- This site requires users to register before access is granted. Users must enter their email address and password before they can request verification information.
- The information provided on this site is identical to the written or verbal verification obtained directly from the medical staff office.

The printable verification document will include the provider's past/present membership information including initial appointment date, end date, section and category for each appropriate medical staff. If the information provided on this website does not agree with your records, please contact the medical staff office directly:
Berger Hospital (740) 474-2126
Doctors Hospital (614) 544-1018
Dublin Methodist Hospital (614) 544-8040
Grady Memorial Hospital (740) 615-1024
Grant Medical Center (614) 566-9346
Hardin Memorial Hospital (419) 675-8283
Marion General Hospital (740) 383-8665
Mansfield Hospitals (419) 526-8581
O'Bleness Hospital (740) 592-9492
Riverside Methodist Hospital (614) 566-5052
Shelby Hospital (419) 342-5015
For questions please contact the administrator at Email: [email protected]