Don’t let it go to waste! We outline the guidelines for how to safely store breast milk
We’ve all heard it time and again — when it comes to feeding baby, breast is best. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for at least a year, but when maternity leave comes to an end and you have to head back to work (or maybe just out for a baby-free date night), you’ll need to have some backup milk for your baby. Here’s what to know about pumping and storing breast milk safely.
1. Wash your hands
Make sure your hands have been washed thoroughly with soap and water before handling or expressing breast milk.
2. Storage is important
Make sure the container you use for storage is BPA-free and made from capped glass or hard plastic. It should also be completely clean. If you choose to use a breast milk storage bag, make sure it is kept in a hard storage container with a lid that seals tightly in order to prevent leaking or contamination. Avoid using generic plastic baggies or disposable bottle liners.
If you don’t think you will use freshly expressed breast milk within 4 days, freeze it right away. This will help to protect the quality of the breast milk. Freeze breast milk in small amounts of 2 to 4 ounces (or the amount that will be offered at one feeding) to avoid wasting breast milk that might not be finished.
Avoid storing breast milk in the door of an appliance, such as a refrigerator or freezer. This will help protect the breast milk from temperature changes caused by the door opening and closing.
3. Label and date
Once you’ve bottled your breast milk, clearly label the container with the date the milk was expressed and store it in the back of your refrigerator where the temperature is coldest.
4. Think about portions
Each container can be filled with the amount of milk your child will need for one feeding, but it is also a good idea to store some in 1-2 ounce increments for unpredictable situations. Keep in mind that as it freezes, breast milk will expand.
5. Same-day pumping
If you pump more than once in the same day, you can add new milk to bottles that contain milk from earlier that day, but make sure to cool it first.
6. Keeping the pump clean
The CDC provides detailed instructions on how to keep the breast pump clean before and after use. Following these steps can keep your breast pump clean and help protect your baby from these germs.
Keep these guidelines in mind when storing your breast milk safely:
- Room temperature: 4 to 6 hours at 66 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
- Cooler with frozen ice packs: 24 hours at 59 degrees Fahrenheit
- Refrigerator: 3 to 8 days at 39 degrees Fahrenheit or lower
- Freezer: 6 to 12 months at 0-4 degrees Fahrenheit or lower
When thawing breast milk, start with the oldest first. Put the frozen bottle in the refrigerator or place it in a bowl of warm water. Do not use a microwave or stove to heat the milk rapidly. It is recommended that you use the thawed milk within 24 hours to minimize any risk.
If you’re having trouble with breastfeeding, look into our breastfeeding classes at OhioHealth.